Monday, January 7, 2013

Oh yeah, my "plan"

Like I said in the first post, my main goal is to be at a healthy weight by my 30th birthday, which is about 7.5 months away.  My mini goal is to be comfortable and confident when I go to the Dominican Republic in just 4 short months.  I know I will only be about halfway to my goal, but knowing I worked hard and did everything in my power to get there, will be good enough for me.  I've never been in "great" shape even in my smaller days, but I was still confident and knew I looked good.

I will be using the knowledge and resources I have from previous diet plans I have done over the years including Weight Watchers, South Beach, Fat Smash, and Dr. Oz's detox. The one I will be following most closely, will be The Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian from Celebrity Fit Club.  It's not a super restrictive or "quick fix" diet, but more of a step-by-step into a new healthy lifestyle. It's also a 90-day initial program, which fits perfectly within my timeline.  For the Phase 1, I included my 3 days on the detox because it followed the same food allowances.  

Tentative Timeline

1/4/2013 - 1/6/2013: Dr. Oz's Detox/Fat Smash Phase 1 (3 days)

1/7/2013 - 1/12/2013: Fat Smash Phase 1 (6 days)

1/13/2013 - 2/3/2013: Fat Smash Phase 2 (3 weeks)

2/4/2013 - 3/4/2013: Fat Smash Phase 3  (4 weeks)

3/5/2013 - 3/5/2013: Dr. Oz 2 day Detox

3/6/2013 - 3/28/2012: Fat Smash Phase 2 (3 weeks)

At the end of March, I will re-evaluate how things are going, then decide how to proceed.

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