Friday, January 4, 2013

Back Story...

I suppose this is yet another "weight loss journey/getting healthy" blog and I am sure tons of these pop up around this time of year the most!  I've read many and they are often helpful and insightful, so I figured if I am really serious about it this time (even though this is said EVERY time), I can do one on my own!

So who am I?  I am a 29 year old single mom who has struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life.   I guess I can blame my mom for my chubby childhood years, but after middle school, it was all on me.

A quick timeline: My weight went up and down throughout high school, sky rocketed my first year of college (blame late night trips to Huddle House after a parties), dropped drastically through "eating right" and exercise which I maintained for a couple years, until I got pregnant with my daughter in 2004.

I gained 75 lbs from the pregnancy.   I had done so well the two or so years prior, that went I found out I was pregnant, I ate like there was no tomorrow.  I was very fortunate not to experience gestational diabetes or high blood pressure! Since then (8 years now!) I have gone up and down up and down.  Lost about 60 lbs, only to have 40 of those pounds creep back over the last year and a half.  {Recently moved, started a new job, and divorced.}

So where do I go from here?  I am determined to make the last year, or 7 months, of my 20's my final year of being overweight, uncomfortable, depressed, and well, lazy.  I always tend to get excited at first, only to revert back to my old ways within a few days.  This time I have  little added motivation, however.  On May 2, I will be jet setting off to Miami, then to the Dominican Republic for a 5 day vacation!  This is actually my first real vacation and I am so looking forward to it. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure I have the best time of my life--which means being comfortable with my body.  I'm not expecting to be in a bikini with rock hard abs.  I know that if I do what is necessary and do my best until that time (4 months from now), I will be much better off than where I was at that time last year.  My next goal is to be at my ideal size/weight by my 30th birthday, which is 7.5 months from now.  Even after that, there will still be work that needs to be done, but right now I'm taking ONE day at a time!

No more excuses, it's time to get my ISH together!!

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